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Local Programming

Sept. 28, 2020Morning Conversation | Morning Conversation

2020 Election Coverage: Sheriff Candidates Strong & White

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On this week's 2020 Special Election Morning Conversation, news director Jeremy Werner talks with Nodaway County Sheriff candidates, Randy Strong and Darren White.

Both sheriff candidates were asked the same questions such as why they want to be in law enforcement, and with nationwide protests what is the role of law enforcement moving forward and what changes do they foresee. 

Another topic discussed were possible budget cuts to save money if such cuts are needed due to the pandemic.

According to some research, Covid 19 has killed more police officers this year than any other causes.  Strong and White were asked what they would do to help protect their fellow officers.

Finally, both Strong and White were asked to articulate why they are the best choice for Nodaway County Sheriff.

To listen to whole the Morning Conversation, click the link above.

Special Election Coverage on Morning Conversations are brought to you by William Coy's Farm to Table Restaurant at Mozingo Lake Recreation Park.